Résultats Tournoi de Lausanne
18-19 Novembre 1995
Ronde Rang
No Rang Nom Prénom Club 1 2 3 4 5
1 2d Berthelet Daniel Gre 2+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 4+ 1
2 1d Mallon Willem Ber 1- 5- 3+ 7+ 8+ 4
3 1d Morrison Roberto Asc 4- 7- 2- 6- 5- 8
4 1d Reynouard Fabrice Gre 3+ 8+ 6+ 5+ 1- 2
5 1d Koch Sebastien Gva 6- 2+ 8- 4- 3+ 6
6 1k Niesvand Beno ??? 5+ 1- 4- 3+ 7+ 3
7 1k Koch Laurent Gva 8- 3+ 1- 2- 6- 7
8 1k Baumann Daniel Lau 7+ 4- 5+ 1- 2- 5
9 2k Bizard Philippe Gre 10+ 11- 15+ 14+ 18+ 4
10 3k Warkentyne Ken Lau 9- 16+ 14- 15+ 13+
11 3k Jacquin François Bes 12+ 9+ 13+ 23- 19+ 3
12 4k Penfornis Raymond Lau 11- 14- 16- 22- 15+
13 5k Holliger Miyoko Bas 14+ 15+ 11- 18- 10-
14 5k Couturier François Bes 13- 12+ 10- 9- 16+
15 5k Martignoni Stephane Gva 16+ 13- 9- 10- 12-
16 5k Gampfer Philippe Lau 15- 10- 12+ 21+ 14-
17 6k Lamberet Bruno Tou 18+ 20+ 23- 19- 21+
18 6k Scholder Jean-Charle Lau 17- 22+ 20+ 13+ 9-
19 6k Planas Arturo Lau 20- 25+ 21+ 17+ 11-
20 7k Dumermuth Ursula Ber 19+ 17- 18- 25- 38+
21 7k Lauper Fabrice Lau 22+ 23- 19- 16- 17-
22 7k Roy Claude Asc 21- 18- 25- 12+ 26+
23 8k Roy Florian Gva 24+ 21+ 17+ 11+ 29+ 1
24 8k Honore Daniel Lyo 23- 28- 31+ 38+ 25+
25 8k Burri Nathalie Lau 26- 19- 21+ 20+ 24-
26 9k Ireland Robert Lau 25+ 38- 28- 32- 22-
27 10k Nihan Philippe Lau 30+ 29- 38+ 28- 37+
28 11k Bettens Eric Lau 29- 24+ 26+ 27+ 35+ 4
29 12k Millier Marie Gva 28+ 27+ 32+ 34+ 23- 2
30 12k Gentile Bernard Gva 27- 31+ 37+ 36+ 34+ 6
31 13k Winterhalter Laurent Lau 22- 30- 24- 33+ x
32 13k Durand Alain Gre 31+ 34- 29- 26+ 39-
33 14k Magni David Lau 34- 36- 40- 31- x
34 15k Ittig Rodolphe Lau 33+ 32+ 35+ 29- 30-
35 15k Fluck Cedric Neu 36+ 37+ 34- 39+ 28-
36 16k Wulliemier Roger Lau 35- 33+ 39+ 30- 40-
37 16k Mizeret Jerome Lau 39+ 35- 30- 40+ 27-
38 8k Haefliger Thomas Lau x 26+ 27- 24- 20-
39 18k Bovay Nicolas Lau 37- 40+ 36- 35- 32+
40 18k Dei Elisabetta Asc 38- 39- 33+ 37+ 36+
41 18k? Prost Karine Tou 40+ x x x x
Note: the 6 first players played without handicap, the other played with normal handicap.