FIRST SWISS JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP BERN - 2003With financial support from the Ing Foundation, the Swiss Go Federation has organized the first Swiss Junior Championship.
Although the organizers offered to pay transportation and lodging for participants who had to travel to Bern, the attendance was far below expectations. The Federation has established that the centre of gravity of junior players in Switzerland is in Geneva, and since the event is now going to be held annually, the 2004 championship will be held there.
As to the championship itself, it ended in a three way tie for first place. (Jonas Wagner (Be), Daniel Fabien (Be) and Mathias May (Zu)). In order to break this tie a lighting tournament was organized for these three players. Alas, the result was yet another three way tie, so Switzerland now boasts of three Junior champions for the year 2003.
The pictures attached are of the three winners and of a game between two of them.

As a result of the low attendance at this years championship, we anticipate being able to finance several such championships with the Ing grant over the next few years.
For this money we are exceedingly grateful and thank the Ing Foundation.
Report from Alan Held